The Confiance.ai programme publishes its second white paper
This white paper sums up the journey and findings of the program Confiance.ai, the cornerstone programme of the French national strategy for artificial intelligence.
The active collaboration of over 50 partners including large-scale multi-sector industrial partners and research centers, for over four years, has addressed numerous challenges on the topic of engineering Trustworthy AI for critical systems as it aimed at the convergence of solvability of current industrial challenges and applicability of innovative research developments.
The previous white paper in 2022, provided initial results of the program including the first steps toward engineering trustworthy AI, use cases, a first version of a pipeline, a taxonomy and key attributes to characterize AI trustworthiness.
This document is organized as follows:
- A first chapter for revisiting of the needs for trustworthy AI in critical systems through the user’s lens as well as the challenges beyond the user;
- A glance on the two main gateways to Confiance.ai results: the body of knowledge and the catalog;
- The End-to-End methodology with a special focus on subjects related to the Operational Design Domain, the Intended Purpose and Assurance Cases;
- The trustworthy environment and Functional Sets with focus on ‘Robustness’, ‘Data Lifecycle’, and ‘Explainability’;
- The deployment of the End-to-End Method on use cases.
As a pioneer on engineering trustworthy AI, Confiance.ai presents in this document an overview of some of the results of this 4-year journey as a gateway for further exploration by both industry professionals and academic researchers.